Nothing says Cuban heritage like cigars coupled with rum. Begin a journey to the past by visiting a cigar factory or shop and learn the historical beginnings dating back to Indians, then to the Spanish discovery, and today´s techniques for growing tobacco. You will watch taqueros hand roll the leaves into fine cigars and learn how to properly light and smoke a cigar. To elevate the experience, pair it with complementing rum. With your newly acquired repertoire skill set, receive a cigar to take home and enjoy at your leisure.
Prices starting at: $120 Adults (over age 21 only)
When: Guest chooses start time between 12pm-5pm. Please contact our office directly to check availability and to schedule your tour.
Duration & Distance: 2.5 – 3 hours; 2-3 leisurely blocks
Location: Back lot of Los Pinareños fruit market, 1334 SW 8th Street, Miami, FL 33135
- Tour led by expert guide
- A cigar to smoke on the tour (not required, guest may take it home)
- 3 rum tastings and a mojito cocktail
- A second cigar to take with you
Not Included:
- Any meals (please be sure to eat a meal before this experience to fully enjoy tasting the rum with cigar
- Gratuity for the tour guide